From the CEO’s desk

Carnarvon has capped off an incredible year by announcing the commencement of operations for the Buffalo project. The Carnarvon team, along with our drilling and project partners, have put a …

Qantas announcement sends strong message to alternative fuel suppliers

Earlier this month Qantas announced it’s looking towards sustainable fuel alternatives to power its fleet of aircraft, with a deal to buy 10 million litres of biofuel from BP in …

Introducing Ivan Tsalis – Junior Petrophysicist

Having a passion for maths, rocks and crunching numbers from a young age, Ivan always knew becoming a petrophysicist was in the pipeline for him. Completing his Bachelor of Engineering …

Bedout Basin in focus

At Carnarvon Energy’s November AGM experienced industry explorationist Terry Walker gave an in-depth presentation about the prospectivity of the Bedout Basin. Located in shallow North West Shelf waters 100km north …

Introducing Angelo Lay – Timor Leste Country Manager

With the Buffalo-10 well drilling campaign about to start, activity in Carnarvon’s Timor Leste office is ramping up – and so is recruitment. Housed in the Timor Plaza building in …

From the CEO’s desk

We are Carnarvon Energy, an energy company focused on delivering shareholder value through the energy transition with our thought innovation and ingenuity. Our name change, which shareholders overwhelmingly supported, better …

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