Having a passion for maths, rocks and crunching numbers from a young age, Ivan always knew becoming a petrophysicist was in the pipeline for him.

Completing his Bachelor of Engineering with a focus on petroleum at Curtin University to landing work experience at Carnarvon Energy, he took on the role as Junior Petrophysicist with the Company in 2016.

Based at the West Perth head office, Ivan supports the lead engineer completing calculations, petrophysical interpretations and analysis for a variety of projects.

More specifically, Ivan has worked on the Buffalo project assisting the lead engineer explore and map out project timelines, review oil and gas facilities and compile reports.

“I have been very lucky since the day I started to be introduced to different areas of the business and work with a variety of teams,” Ivan says.

“There’s a strange satisfaction in looking at the properties of our assets and working out how their structures and prospectivity can be proven up, risk profile assessed and ultimately applying a measure to project success – with the support of a great team.”

Despite finishing his undergraduate degree in 2017 the learning and education journey for Ivan hasn’t stopped. Now completing his Masters in Engineering at UWA, Ivan hopes to further develop his knowledge and skillset to be directly applied to his role at Carnarvon Energy.

Looking at the bigger industry picture, Ivan believes energy companies making decisions where environmental and social aspects are prioritised is increasingly important.

“This is the next frontier of decision making and where companies – such as Carnarvon through our annual Sustainability Report and renewable fuel investment – demonstrate their commitment in this space they will generate more value,” he says.

Outside of work, Ivan enjoys learning about anything IT related and how computers work, as well as cherry picking some of his favourite recipes and building out his cookbook.

Ivan says Carnarvon Energy’s ongoing support and professional development opportunities keeps him engaged and busy in the workplace while the flexibility offered to complete his Masters on a part-time basis keeps him excited for his growing career.

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